How perimeter security can help protect historical sites in the UK

clip_image002Here in the UK we are blessed with a plethora of fantastic historical sites from beautiful country parks and houses to impressive forts and castles which all play a key part in our national heritage. With this in mind, it is important that historical sites are adequately protected from crime.

What are the risks?
The threat against our heritage is not one to be taken lightly, in Scotland alone more than £75,000 has recently been spent repairing vandalism at historic landmarks such as Glasgow Cathedral and Stirling Castle. While in North Yorkshire, the 3,000 year old Scarborough Castle was subjected to vandalism and arson twice in one week.

Aside from vandalism, there is also the risk of theft, be it historical items like statues and artefacts or cash and high value goods kept in the property.

Sadly the result of heritage crime often ends up in money that should be spent on restoration or improving facilities and safeguarding historical sites for future generations is instead diverted away to dealing with the impact of a crime.

What can be done?
Choosing the security measures that fit your heritage site are essential, as what works for one property may not work so well for another. However perimeter security is a good place to start.

This means securing entry points and vulnerable spots around your property and ensuring that your security equipment makes criminals think twice about targeting your property. Whether that is turnstiles to prevent unpaid entry, gates for out-of-hours security or rising kerbs to prevent a vehicle getaway in the event of a burglary.

Here at Gateway Automation we offer well engineered and quality perimeter security systems manufactured to your custom specifications. This means that we can create bespoke equipment that is in keeping with your site, ensuring it retains a welcoming appeal to the general public.

If you aren’t sure where to start then we can provide you with a free-no-obligation quotation and feasibility survey to create a tailored plan. To find out more call us on 01522 682255 or click here to arrange a call back.

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